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Liz challenges the Government’s ‘sneaky’ announcement on the cap on care costs

Yesterday I spoke to BBC News about the new details we have discovered about how the cap on care costs will work. This small print, snuck out under a cloud of Tory sleaze, shows how much of a con the Prime Minister’s so-called ‘cap on care costs’ really is.

We already know most people won’t hit the cap because it doesn’t cover board and lodging in care homes, and that at £86,000 the cap would still mean many people will have to sell their homes to pay for their care – against everything Boris Johnson promised.

It’s now been revealed that the poorest pensioners will have to pay even more, something Andrew Dilnot – who proposed the cap – explicitly ruled out because it was so unfair. That this Tory Government has failed to be straight with those who’ve given so much to our country is a total disgrace, but utterly unsurprising. Our elderly people deserve better.

Read more in The Guardian and on BBC News.