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Tackling traffic concerns at Belgrave St Peter’s School

Concerns have been raised with me again over the safety of children walking to and from Belgrave St Peter’s Primary School. As the school is located near the busy A6, drivers aren’t always aware that there is even a school there!

Many children must cross the busy road to get to school so myself and local councillor, Vijay Riyait, have recently met with the headteacher, school governors and officers from the City Council to see what can be done to make the walk to school safer for them.

We discussed installing additional signage so motorists know to slow down, ensuring we have school crossing patrols to help children cross safely and putting in more pencil bollards near the school gates. Ensuring our children are safe when walking to and from school is really important to me, so I will continue to work with the Council and the school to ensure children can get to school safely.