Author: Josh Keeling


Liz Holds Coffee Morning in Stocking Farm

Last Friday, 10th May, I was in the Stocking Farm area of Leicester West for a coffee morning with local residents. We had a really good discussion about the impact cuts to Leicester City Council’s budget has had on local services, how we can improve social housing and the local […]


Liz holds Coffee Morning in the West End

I’m holding a series of coffee mornings across the constituency where people can come and chat to me and their local councillors about any issues or concerns they may have about what’s happening locally or nationally. Last Friday, 5th April, I was in the West End where we had a […]

Homepage, NHS

Liz meets with the British Dental Association

I recently met with the British Dental Association (BDA) to discuss their campaign to end fines against vulnerable people trying to claim free NHS dental treatment. It is their aim to make the system of dental fees fairer and easier to navigate. I am aware the forms to claim free […]


Liz visits Riverside Housing Association properties

On Friday 8th June I visited the streets around Abbey Pumping Station, where Riverside Housing Association have some properties, to discuss the problems the organisation have been having, and what I can do to help any residents. I will always do everything I can to support constituents with their housing […]

Education, Homepage, leicester

Liz meets Fullhurst Brilliant Club

On Friday 27th April I met with students at Fullhurst Community College who are taking part in The Brilliant Club Scholars Programme. The programme engages PhD researchers to support students from under-represented backgrounds to progress to highly-selective universities, helping talented young people fulfil their potential.  I found the work done […]

Homepage, leicester

Liz tackles litter

I have recently been contacted by a number of constituents about litter and fly tipping on the Matalan carpark in Beaumont Leys. On Thursday 12th April I did a patch walk of the area with local residents, councillors and representatives from Leicester City Council. As a result of what I […]