Author: Liz Kendall


Opposing cuts to benefits for disabled people

In their latest Budget the Tories decided to cut the support that disabled people need to cook, clean and get to work – things that so many of us take for granted but that can incur substantial additional costs when living with a disability. Many will now lose an average of £3,500 each year. […]

Homepage, Jobs, skills and training

Liz hears how Britain’s EU membership benefits Leicester’s universities

The University of Leicester’s new Centre for Medicine, which I recently visited, is part-funded by the European Union.  This funding enables the Centre to research chronic diseases, improve patient safety and care, and train the doctors of tomorrow.   The President and Vice-Chancellor of the university, Professor Paul Boyle told me about the huge benefits our fantastic universities get […]


Liz talks to students about her role as an MP

On Friday 18th March I visited the University of Leicester to speak to students about my role as an MP. This was part of a module they are doing on Parliamentary Studies which is co-taught by university tutors and officials from the Houses of Parliament. During our discussion, we talked about how I help my constituents on a […]


Hosting Rare Disease Day reception

On Wednesday 2 March I hosted the Rare Disease Day reception in Parliament. 1 in 17 people is affected by a rare disease in their life. Many still experience difficulties in diagnosis, accessing information about the condition, receiving appropriate coordinated care and accessing treatments. Often they are left to become […]