Safer, greener communities

Big Lottery Tour

 On Friday 3rd June, I visited two brilliant projects in Leicester West that have received support from the Big Lottery fund.

The Restorative Justice Initiative in Beaumont Leys aims to bring the victims and offenders of crime together to find a way of repairing the harm that has been done. I met a group of volunteers who have been specially trained in mediation skills, who are about to start work in the local community. I think these volunteers are doing very important and challenging work which could make a real difference for local residents.

Next I met young people running a day of sports activities at Fullhurst School including football, dodgeball and – my favourite! – skipping. This is part of something called the T.E.A.M project, which helps young people get training and gain qualifications in sports leadership so they can run activities for children and other young people in the community. I was really pleased to be able to present certificates to several of the young people involved in the T.E.A.M project and say ‘congratulations’ for all their achievements.

It’s great to see passionate community activists making a real difference in Leicester West. I’m really pleased that their hard work is being recognised and supported through the Big Lottery Fund.