
Homepage, Supporting families

Liz supports stroke services

On Friday 3rd February, I met a group of local people who have had a stroke and their carers, at an event organised by the Stroke Association at the Brite Centre in Braunstone. Volunteers who run support groups for people who have had a stroke and their families in Leicester […]

Caring for older people, Homepage

Liz visits a dementia care ward

Earlier this week I had the privilege of visiting Queen’s Medical Centre in Nottingham and learning about the work the hospital is doing to improve care for older people. Geriatricians play a crucial role in leading these improvements, working alongside other staff like specialist mental health nurses and occupational therapists. […]


Seasons Greetings

I’d like to wish you and your loved ones a very Happy Christmas and a prosperous and healthy New Year. As I reflect upon 2011, two things stand out for me above everything else. Firstly, it’s been an extremely tough year for many of my constituents. People are struggling to […]

Caring for older people, Homepage

Liz backs Grey Pride Campaign

On Monday 28 November I had the great pleasure of speaking at an event held in Parliament on the ‘Grey Pride’ campaign. The campaign calls on the Government to appoint a dedicated Minister for Older People with responsibility for championing the needs of people aged over 65 at Cabinet level. […]