Homepage, leicester, NHS

Liz meets with GPs

Last week I met with Dr Grant Ingrams and his team at Oakmeadow Surgery for a very interesting discussion about the pressures facing general practice & what can be done to address them. All our NHS staff are working so hard, I am unbelievably grateful especially at this difficult time.

Homepage, leicester, NHS

Liz gets tested for HIV testing week

Last week, during Leicester’s HIV Testing Week I got tested at Trade Sexual Health in Leicester’s city centre. The test was quick and simple, and Christian and the team were so friendly! I really encourage people to get tested as Leicester has one of highest rates of late diagnosis outside […]

Homepage, leicester, NHS

Liz meets Leicestershire & Rutland Blood Bikes

I really enjoyed meeting Jonathan Bostock recently to learn about the brilliant work of Leicestershire & Rutland Blood Bikes. The Blood Bikes provide a free, “out of hours” courier service to the NHS, ferrying not just blood, but also pathology samples, surgical equipment and donated breast milk between our hospitals, […]