Social Care

Caring for older people, Liz in the news, liz kendall, National, Social Care

Worst care homes more likely to have poorest residents, official data shows

New research  shows that care homes rated ‘inadequate’ have more state-funded residents than care homes rated ‘outstanding’ by the CQC. These figures reveal an unacceptable two-tier care system, with better off people getting a better quality of social care. No matter where people live or how they pay, everyone should […]

Caring for older people, Homepage, Liz in the news, liz kendall, National, Social Care

Labour’s ambition for social care is as far reaching as Bevan’s was for the NHS

Transforming social care is the challenge of our generation. This was true even before Covid struck, but the pandemic has exposed, more than ever, the urgent need for reform. A future Labour government will modernise the welfare state from cradle to grave, investing in social care as part of our […]