Following a public meeting to discuss smells from the Cofresh factory I recently received an update from Mr Priyesh Patel, the Managing Director of Cofresh, regarding their plans to address the problem. I have been told that following the receipt of an odour monitoring report after the public meeting, Cofresh have been advised to upgrade their grease filters further, work that has been “extensive”.
In addition to the upgraded filters, Mr Patel has said Cofresh are also installing a Dry Vapour System which is designed to ionise the air after the filter. However, I have been told the technology is very new, and that trials will begin as soon as the ducting has been installed.
Mr Patel has also requested that if there are any further problems with the smell after 14th September 2017 that you call Leicester City Council as well as Cofresh’s customer service line on 07751 981 607.
I will continue to keep my constituents up to date with any further developments as I am made aware.