The award-winning GAP (Gaining a Place) Project in Beaumont Leys is run by the East Midlands Housing Association. It provides young parents with decent accommodation while they get back on their feet. That might mean help to learn how to properly manage the family budget, or support to get the skills and training young parents need to get off benefits and into work. The ultimate goal is to help families find a home of their own, and provide the stability that is so important for children as they grow up.
The GAP project is the only one of it’s kind in Leicester that helps young dads alongside young mums. One of the fathers I spoke to told me he is completing an NVQ Level 3 in Painting and Decorating. He said that when he came to the project he was really quiet and introverted but now he feels far more confident and eventually wants to set up his own business.
The GAP Project does vital work supporting young people to become better parents and role models for their children. It also saves taxpayers money in the long run, by helping families find work. It’s a really special project that gets my full support, and I wish all the staff and parents involved every success for the future.