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Liz demands Biffa attend residents’ meeting about waste smell

I remain extremely concerned about the long standing problems with the smell from the Biffa waste plant.

Last week I spoke to residents on Bedale Drive. They told me the smell has got much worse during the warmer summer months and that they cant open their windows, let alone sit outside in their gardens.

This is completely unacceptable. Since my election, I have worked tirelessly with residents, local councillors and the Environment Agency to make sure Biffa tackles this problem. Yet the problem has come back and continues to affect the daily lives of my constituents.

I know people are fed up with reporting the smells because they feel nothing improves. But it is really important to report any problems directly to Biffa 0116 252 7002 in order for them to track where the smells emanate from.

I have written once again to the Chief Executive of Biffa to express my anger about this issue. I have also arranged another meeting at the Tudor Centre at 6.30pm on Thursday 6 September 2012 which I will be demanding both Biffa and the Environment Agency attend, alongside Council officers.

If you have been affected by the smell, please come along to the meeting.  You can also read about what I’ve been doing here.