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Liz supports Space Park Leicester


Yesterday I made a speech in Parliament on Space Park Leicester and the wider space sector. This is a subject close to my heart as there is huge potential for space science and technology to create high skilled jobs of the future, grow our economy, tackle climate change and help keep our country safe.

Space Park Leicester, which I visited last Friday, builds on Leicester’s proud tradition of being at the forefront of the UK space sector. It brings together world leading University of Leicester research with industry in state of the art, high tech facilities. Through its pioneering research the Space Park aims to create 2,500 jobs and generate £750 million for the East Midlands economy. It is also committed to ensuring children and young people from Leicester and the wider East Midlands can get the skills they need to benefit from the jobs the Space Park is creating.

Leicester Space Park is an inspirational place and has a significant role to play if the Government’s National Space Strategy is to be a success.  

I urged the Minister to provide a long- term commitment to support Space Park Leicester, so the ideas and research that are being developed there can be turned into thriving businesses. I also asked him to explain how the Government will support Leicester to develop the skills and training that are central to the National Space Strategy, including higher level vocational qualifications, because making sure people from all backgrounds have the skills they need to secure jobs of the future is integral to boosting economic growth. 

If Space Park Leicester receives the support it deserves, its potential is huge. You can read my speech here or watch it here