
Liz Visits Blackpool Pensioners

It was lovely to meet with pensioners at the Poppies tearoom in Blackpool with the wonderful Lorraine Beavers, Labour’s candidate for Blackpool North and Fleetwood

I spoke to pensioners who will be voting Labour for the first time because they’re sick of Tory chaos and instability.

The last Labour government made huge strides by lifting a million out of pensioner poverty. But after 14 years of the Tories, and the division and chaos that has ensued, the promise of security in retirement is now more precarious than ever.

Soaring energy bills and rising food prices have eaten away at people’s pension.

Under Labour, we will never put pensions or Britain’s finances at risk. All of our plans are fully funded, built on the principle of economic stability. That means we can protect the Triple Lock, giving pensioners the peace of mind to get on and enjoy the years ahead.