Homepage, Liz in the news, Supporting families

Jack and his soapbox

Yesterday’s campaign was proper old school. Jack Straw, Labour’s Candidate for Blackburn and Justice Secretary, decided he wanted to lend us a hand and promptly turned up with his soapbox in Leicester City Centre. Jack made a brief speech on Labour’s record, our manifesto, and the choice facing voters on […]

Caring for older people, Jobs, skills and training, Liz in the news, More affordable housing, Safer, greener communities, Supporting families

A better, fairer future for people in Leicester West

I know lots of people haven’t made up their minds about how to vote at the general election on May 6th, and many others might not vote at all because they’re fed up with politics and politicians. But this election matters. It’s about the future of local jobs and businesses; […]

Homepage, Liz in the news

Let’s go to it!

Gordon Brown has fired the official starting gun: the general election will be on Thursday May 6th. This election matters. It’s a choice between Labour, who is fighting hard to secure the recovery and to protect jobs and frontline services, and the Tories – whose plans to cut support for […]

Homepage, Safer, greener communities

Holiday magic

Everyone loves being on holiday, but one of the things parents often struggle with is finding enough things for the kids to do during the school break. Well…this week and next, Leicester has the answer: the Community Easter Games. The games are funded by the Government, through its Connecting Communities […]

Liz in the news

Dimblebys watch out!

Had a great time being interviewed by Mairi-Frances and Rory at Takeover Radio, Leicester’s Youth Radio Station. They gave me a ‘Question Time’ style grilling, over everything from who inspired me to go into politics and what I’d do to help young people, to my views about the Monarchy and […]

Liz in the news

Liz calls for High Speed Rail link in Leicester

Liz recently met Paul Clark MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Department for Transport, to discuss the Government’s announcement of a new high speed rail network. Liz said “I welcome Labour’s commitment to a new high speed rail network, which will be good for jobs, good for passengers […]


A Leicester Evening with Arthur Smith

HOT OFF THE PRESS Celebrated stand-up comedian and Grumpy Old Man Arthur Smith is doing a gig to help raise funds for my campaign. ‘A Leicester Evening with Arthur Smith’ is on Wednesday 7th April, from 8pm at The Y theatre. Tickets are £10 and available from: Box Office Y […]

Safer, greener communities

New trees for Stocking Farm

On Saturday 27th February I helped plant Leicester’s 7,500th new tree at Stocking Farm Community Centre. Young people from the local area, youth workers, and staff from the local Council and Primary Care Trust all joined in to get the flowering cherry tress in the ground (not as easy as […]