
Statement from Liz

After 14 years, this failed Tory Government has run out of ideas and run out of road.

Residents across our city are crying out for change and at long last people in Leicester West can finally have their say.

My constituents are paying the price for Tory chaos that has seen mortgages and rents soar, serious crime rocket, NHS waiting lists spiral, and local schools crumble. It’s on the Tories watch that we now have a society with more foodbanks than police stations.

It’s time for change.

Keir Starmer has today outlined Labour’s long term plan to rebuild Britain: for economic stability, to cut the NHS waiting times, secure our borders with a New Border Security Command, to harness Great British Energy to cut your bills for good, to tackle anti-social behaviour, and get the teachers we need in your children’s classroom.

I have great faith in the people of Leicester and the people of Britain. I believe together we can turn the page, start to rebuild Britain and change our city and country for the better.

A vote for Labour is a vote for change. And on 4th July I hope that residents in Leicester West will put their trust in us to build a better future.