
Tackling traffic issues on Beaumont Leys Lane

IMG_6656Last month, I held one of my regular community drop-ins at St Patrick’s Church on Beaumont Leys Lane, where I invited local people to come and discuss their area and any issues I might be able to help them with.

I’ve taken up a range of issues that came up, from local bus services to troublesome mini-motors being ridden on the local park. Local people were also very concerned about traffic speed and congestion towards the bottom of Beaumont Leys Lane. They complained about a crunch point near Wolsey House Primary School.

I suggested we set up a “patch walk” of the area with representatives of the council’s highways department, parking enforcement and the police, to see what steps could be taken to address the issue. This took place last week and we came up with a number of proposals, from improving the road markings and signs to looking at the possibility of introducing a weight restriction or better speed cameras.