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Happy 65th Birthday NHS!

3The NHS was created in 1948. It was, and remains, based on the fundamental principle that healthcare should be universal, free at the point of use, based on people’s need and not their ability to pay.

On July 5th I helped celebrate the NHS’s 65th anniversary with a visit to Ward 15 at Glenfield hospital.

I presented Deputy Sister Cathy English with a birthday cake and card to say thank you to all the staff for their hard work and commitment. Cathy has worked for the NHS for over 20 years: an amazing achievement that shows the huge dedication of so many NHS staff.

The NHS has made huge strides forward over the last 65 years and further changes are essential to ensure it continues to succeed in the next 65 years and beyond.

That means shifting the focus of services towards prevention and ensuring better co-ordination between physical, mental and social care services, to improve health and get better value for money. You can read more about Labour’s plans for ‘whole person care’ here.