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Liz sees telecare service helping patients stay healthy at home

When I was at the Quadrant one of the residents,  Clive Calow, told me about the help he is getting from a brilliant new telecare service.

Clive has COPD and diabetes. Every morning he taps in answers to a series of questions on the computer screen about how he is feeling. He also takes his own blood pressure, oxygen levels, pulse and temperature using really simple technology, and then submits the results at the press of a button. If there are any problems, his nurse Rachel Braithwaite, calls him up immediately to give him advice, such as whether he should take antibiotics or steroids. If the problem is serious, a rapid response team of ‘sprint nurses’ comes round to visit him in his flat.

A year ago, Clive was on oxygen 16 hours a day and often had to go into hospital. Now, he is off the oxygen completely. This kind of service – which helps patients manage their health condition, and stay out of hospital, is exactly the kind of care we need to see more of in future.
