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Packed public meeting on Biffa stench


The appalling smells from the Biffa plant in Mowmacre have blighted the lives of my constituents for years. On Monday 28th July I held yet another public meeting at the Tudor Centre to get Biffa, the Environment Agency and the City Council to explain what they’re doing to tackle this problem, which has been going on for far too long.

Over 60 people turned up and the strength of feeling amongst local residents was clear. They are sick and tired of living with the stench coming from Biffa and fed up with being fobbed off with denials and inaction.

Biffa, the Environment Agency and the City Council have at last identified serious problems with the plant, and agreed a plan of action to address them. I’ve demanded a clear timetable about when the changes will be made, and evidence that the Environment Agency is properly holding Biffa to account. I’ll be having another public meeting in the Autumn to keep up the pressure and ensure this problem is addressed once and for all.