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Tackling traffic problems on Thurcaston Road


Last Friday, I held a “patch walk” around Thurcaston Road with local residents, the Police and representatives from the Council’s Highways team to examine the problems with heavy lorries accessing the Wastecycle recycling site on Wesley Street.

This is part of the wider work I am doing to address local residents’ concerns about noise, smells, dust, rats and flies coming from the site.

We discussed a number of actions the police and Highways team could take to deal with the traffic problems. I will be holding a follow up meeting with local residents before Christmas which will include a report on these options. If you have concerns about these issues, or would like to attend the meeting, please do get in touch with my office either by writing to 42 Narborough Road, Leicester, LE3 0BQ, via email at liz.kendall.mp {at} parliament(.)uk or phone on 0116 2044980.