Liz in the news liz kendall National Social Care

Boris Johnson warned 22,000 people will run out of cash before care cap comes in

Analysis by the Labour Party has revealed that by the time Boris Johnson’s cap on care costs comes in, 22,000 people will have run out of money.

The Prime Minister promised over 800 days ago to ‘fix the crisis in social care once and for all’, but his White Paper doesn’t have a plan to deliver this, let alone actually reform social care.

It won’t stop people from selling their homes to pay for care, and it doesn’t help people who need care right now.

Instead, he’s delivering a tax rise on working people to protect the homes of the wealthy. Thousands of people every year will continue to exhaust all their savings paying for their own care, while thousands more go without the care they need.

This is unfair, it’s wrong, and the Government must think again.

Read my comments in the Mirror.