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Community clear up in New Parks

I recently joined forces with local residents and city wardens to lead a community clear up on Stokes Wood Park in New Parks. It followed one of my community meetings where local people told me that they were concerned about dog fouling, As an MP, you can achieve all sorts of things but sometimes you just have to roll up your sleeves and get stuck right in.

We had fun but there’s a serious point. The people at my meeting are really proud of their area. They get frustrated when others fail to take responsibility, including by leaving dog mess on the park, which spoils it for every else.

The City Council are working really hard to tackle this issue but even with the best will in the world, they can’t be in every place, all of the time. That’s why I’ll support strong communities and back local residents who are prepared to play a more active role. Even small steps can make a big difference.