On Friday 5thFebruary I held a “patch walk” with local residents outside Braunstone Frith Primary School to take a look at the traffic and parking problems in the area. We were joined by the Head of Highways at Leicester City Council, the police and the school’s headteacher, Mrs Smith.
Local people and the school raised concerns about the congestion of buses and cars along Tatlow Road and Cuffling Drive during school pick up and drop off times and pavement parking. The Council have agreed to compile a plan for the area on how best to tackle the problem. I will continue to work with the Council and the school to make sure the area is safe for children and local residents.
If you have concerns about these issues, or would like to be kept updated on this issue, please do get in touch with my office either by writing to 42 Narborough Road, Leicester, LE3 0BQ, via email at liz.kendall.mp {at} parliament(.)uk or phone on 0116 2044980.