Author: Josh Keeling

Education, Homepage, leicester, Young people

Liz visits West Gate School

I recently visited West Gate School, a school that supports 4 – 19-year-olds with a range of learning needs including moderate to severe learning difficulties and autism spectrum conditions.  It was fantastic to catch up with Rhian Richardson, Head Teacher, and Brian Jones, Chair of Governors, about the challenges and brilliant work […]

Homepage, leicester, NHS

Liz meets Leicestershire & Rutland Blood Bikes

I really enjoyed meeting Jonathan Bostock recently to learn about the brilliant work of Leicestershire & Rutland Blood Bikes. The Blood Bikes provide a free, “out of hours” courier service to the NHS, ferrying not just blood, but also pathology samples, surgical equipment and donated breast milk between our hospitals, […]

Homepage, leicester

Liz visits Preloved@45

Last week I met with Marian and her brilliant team of volunteers at Preloved@45 – the new community shop on Wellinger Way, Braunstone. Pop along and see their great range of quality children’s, women’s and men’s clothing, household items, white goods & toys!

Homepage, leicester, Young people

Liz visits Christ The King school

On Friday I visited the fantastic Christ the King Catholic Voluntary Academy in Leicester. I met with the wonderful school council, and especially enjoyed hearing about their “every second counts” approach in learning and achievement. Without doubt, the best part of any week is visiting our schools in Leicester West. […]

Homepage, leicester

Liz backs local efforts

On Friday I had a busy day chairing Feeding Leicester, a group trying to eradicate food poverty in the city, discussed the ground-breaking work TUC Midlands have been doing to tackle worker exploitation in Leicester’s textile industry, and spoke with Cllr Sarah Russell and Cllr Elly Cutkelvin on concerns with […]